
Monday, October 8, 2012

A Season of Change

Some seasons are more challenging than others, and it seems that the seasons of change are the most difficult. As much as we get bored with the same old, same old, those days are more restful.

I woke up at three o’clock this morning and added a half dozen reminders to my cell phone task list before the alarm went off at five.

Why am I so geared up? We have changed computer software at work and today I close the month end books in a completely different way than I have for the past thirty years.

It’s not that I think I’m too old to learn, and most of the time I’m confident that everything will work out, but at three o’clock, nothing seems to be easy. My preoccupation with the changes in the workplace and the way that time seems to keep marching along, have seemed to overloaded the circuits in my brain. I’ve found myself forgetting more than I seem to remember. I’m usually reliable not only in my professional world but in my volunteer world.

It could be that I’ve taken on way too many things—ya think? It has come to the point that I need to practice the word “No” or the phrase “That doesn’t work for me.” I need to back off, but can’t decide what projects or causes need to be cut. I only take on those things I’m passionate about or that I enjoy.

My life is so busy that I don’t have any down time. I’m not recharging my mental batteries, and I’ve drained them to the point that I think they may need to be replaced. I’m not sure how that works.

These forty hour intense, nothing is routine anymore, workdays and evenings filled with working on one thing or another is wearing on body and soul. Oh, how I long for a morning drinking coffee and watching some mundane show on TV while I leisurely decide what I want to do that day.

The thing about change is it requires us to be flexible and adaptable. We can embrace change or resist change, but darn it—it’s going to come either way.

Deep inside, I love a challenge. I think I’ll just drink another cup of coffee and go for it. Thank goodness there’s only one Monday in a week and only one day that is the first day of any change.

Copyright © October 2012 by L. S. Fisher


  1. I'm with you lady!! I have learned to say "No" alot more in the last year than I ever thought I would. Although it hasn't helped to increase my town time. Looking for a little of it in the next week since David has been gone 1+ month.. Hey I at least had a chance to write on my blog. Something I haven't done in a very long time. Guess Thurs. speaker inspired me :)

  2. My dad has a mantra that keeps him 'in line' and I mentally refer to it often - "let's be flexible as to be flimsy' - which helps to keep from being so regimented, and thus stressed out. He also says "let's make it a 'lobe' issue' which means to play it by ear. He is the most level-headed person I know, and I learn from his example every day. He's also great at saying 'no' when he needs to.
