
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Early Onset Dementia: Write Your Story

Did some event happen that made you realize your life was irrevocably changed? What is your story of that moment?

Each morning of my life, I have awakened with confidence that life will plug along on an even keel. Without warning, a few simple questions changed the course of my family’s lives.

Jim and I were at our local Nissan dealer to co-sign a loan for our son. The dealer, Kevin, asked Jim his social security number and after a few moments, Jim said, “I can’t remember it.” Jim knew his social security number well because it had been his service number for three years in the U.S. Army. It surpised me that Jim couldn't recall the number, but it didn't concern me because I have glitches with numbers all the time. I gave Kevin Jim’s social security number.

Then, Kevin asked Jim his birth date. Jim said, “I guess I don’t know that either.”

That was when we began our journey. A family in the United States begins that journey every 71 seconds. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that more than 500,000 people in the U.S. have dementia that began before age 65, or early onset dementia.

For several months, I have worked on the Early Onset Project. My objective is to collect stories to create awareness of early onset dementia. I need approximately thirty-five true stories to complete the book. My plan is to have three sections: In Their Own Words (people with dementia), Care Partner Stories (for primary caregivers) and Family, Friends, and Professional’s Stories.

Although I extended the deadline to October 31, I do not have enough submissions. I know it’s hard to take time to write a story, but consider how much your slice-of-life story can benefit other people who have just begun the Alzheimer's journey.

Writing life stories is therapeutic for the author. It is amazing how committing your challenges to paper can begin emotional healing. I knew this instinctively, but research supports the beneficial effects of therapeutic writing. Dr. James Pennebaker’s studies have shown positive emotional and physical benefits for people who wrote about traumatic experiences for fifteen minutes, four to seven consecutive days. The participants were instructed to write their emotional reaction to the traumatic event without regard to grammar or spelling. This writing can be kept completely personal and never shared with anyone. Most participants found that by the end of the study period their writing had developed into a story.

Try it and you will be amazed at how easy it is to write a slice-of-life story and how cathartic the process will be. If you want to contribute the story to the Early Onset Project, email it to earlyonset(at)

Watch for a publication date announcement for: Writing as Therapy: Rocks and Pebbles by L. S. Fisher.


  1. Great blog, Linda!

  2. Today out of desperation and the unknown I found your blog. It is a blessing form God. I need someplace to read about what is going on with me. I have not been diagnosed officially yet but this is my life. Scary and confusing. Thank you so much!

  3. Debbie, I do hope the blog helps you. Be very sure that your doctors rule out any treatable conditions that might cause your problems.

    Please feel free to email me at Bless you and I wish you the very best. Hugs. Linda Fisher

  4. I just found your blog today, and I was wondering if you were still looking for submissions even though your deadline has passed?

  5. Saw your blog today. Thanks for sharing. My dad has Alzheimer's. It's been tough to watch him go through this.


  6. Found your website today. My wife was diagnosed with Dementia 5 years ago at the age of 52. It is comforting in a way to learn of so many other cases of early onset dementia. As her husband and sole caregiver I felt alone. Alzheimers was something older people get. I don't feel so alone now. She is in her latter stages, now, but still at home with me.
