
Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Days are Getting Shorter!

Today, slate skies are gushing rain onto Mid-Missouri. Ike is pushing inward and brings more of the same for next few days. The NOAH weather station on my weather alert radio spews out county after county with flash flood and tornado warnings. The days are getting shorter, and not just because autumn is nigh.

My days seem shorter because I’ve got more to do than time to do it. When I look around at other people, I see the same scenario played over and over. Life is hectic and the days aren’t long enough.

I work four ten-hour days each week. My “Day Off” To-Do List is jam packed with items. Some days, I barely scratch the surface. Weekends fly by and my list gets longer yet. My calendar for this month has events for every weekend—sometimes for Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. This is a month with two family reunions, Memory Walk, writing, speaking engagements, radio/TV interviews, the BPW Chicken Dinner, writers’ guild, support group, fundraising for three different groups, and more. Whew! No wonder the days seem too short.

The dreary weather depresses me and makes me anxious. Our Memory Walk is next weekend and I pray for sunny skies. So much needs to be done before the walk and the morning of the walk. I have nightmares about downpours and no walkers. We will not cancel the walk for rain, but rain changes the entire dynamics of the event.

I may grouse about the constant rain, but I’m not complaining about the short days. The big advantage is that while the days are too short, they are full and fulfilling. Would I trade my short busy days for long leisurely ones? No, BUT I might be willing to swap some of them. A little down time seems like a dream come true. I would like to read a book, watch TV, and eat chocolate bonbons. I would be especially interested in a week on a tropical island—without a hurricane.

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